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My sister wants us to move our big family event to another city because of her ‘fur babies.’ Absolutely not, right? Ask Lisi

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Advice columnists Ellie and Lisi Tesher.

Dear ReadersUnfortunately this question didn’t make it to us in time for Canadian Thanksgiving. But I decided to include it anyway as American Thanksgiving is coming up soon, and the issue can relate to any major holiday/family gathering.

QI have a Thanksgiving problem. I have two adult daughters in their early 30s. One has a new boyfriend she’s just decided to invite to our family dinner. The other is married with two dogs. The dogs are her and her husband’s babies. They don’t do well meeting people they don’t know, and my daughter refuses to leave them at home. We put our dog in the basement when they come over because she fears her dogs won’t get along with our dog. We love her dogs and don’t mind doing this, although it’s a pain.

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Lisi Tesher
Lisi Tesher is a relationship advice columnist for The Star, joining her mother Ellie.

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